Monday, June 16, 2008

Life is so cheap in Finland

Again, no language related, but a news in today's newspaper. A youngster who run away with 190 km/h driving a car under the influence of alcohol (1.24 pro mil), killing a policeman, only gets 3.5 years in jail.

People are outraged about how life means nothing for the government and law makers in Finland (I read the comments to the news on the newspaper's site). They are also speculating that because the convicted was under 21 and first conviction, he will get away with under 2 years in jail.

Long live justice!

Original news in Finnish.


Anonymous said...

It's sad indeed, but do you really think that a life-time sentence in jail would compensate better for a lost life? I believe that, that youngster will anyway have the life screwed up with remorse of a crime (and maybe also with the 'bad credit' of a jail sentence). I think that 'petty crimes' when drunk (such as breaking glasses all over, stealing bikes or vomiting and throwing drug's syringes in kindergarten's yards) should be punished more and not regarded with such benevolence as now. And working more towards changing the view that everything is allowed when drunk.

Florin said...

Well, I know that that poor guy's life will not anymore be that bright after this, but my opinion is that knowing that one cannot get away with so little after such crimes might get people think twice (or 10 times) before behaving like that. And how about the life of the family of the killed policeman?

And by the way, there was another more severe crime, one guy after getting out of jail for murdering his fiancée and her mom, committed another murder shortly after that (his girlfriend). And the prosecutor was demanding only 3 years for that!!!... hmmm. He should be put away for his whole life... and get some psychiatric treatment. Why let those people out? They have nothing to do with the rest of us.

I completely agree with you about the ideology of "everything is allowed when drunk" - more work should be done here. Punishments should be doubled if committed when drunk. Once they would get a double fine, people would think more before drinking too much.