Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Beggars vs. drunken people... and Vappu!

In this post I will not talk about the language. No. It is Vappu! The drunken people's day!

I read today an article in Helsingin Sanomat about the beggars in the capital area. Summer is here and it seems that a new round of beggars is due to arrive in Finland. People are debating it, talking about it, turning the issue upside-down, inside-out, and then back... Some of them are supporting the total banning of begging, some of them oppose it. Some of them are disturbed by them, others give them money, others pass by without giving them not even a look.

I, myself, do not give them ever money. Why? Because I do not want to support this kind of activity. I am sure there are other means of getting enough for the daily bread, instead of just begging. But the truly poor will not just go beg. They will try all other means first...

No, I am not bothered by beggars... I am bothered by the drunken. The drunken who after 1o pm, especially on week-end nights, I have to avoid while driving in the center. By the drunken who sometimes willingly breaks the beer glass on the sidewalk where I drive my bike, and makes my ride a pain... By the drunken who in Finland is so privileged! So privileged that the Police see them in the middle of the road or just crossing on red and just toot their horn while passing by (the traffic is a mess on those week-end nights). So privileged, that people dare without any remorse to take out the bottle and drink on the street. And not one... but tens, hundreds. Almost never Police intervenes.

Drunken people will get smaller punishments when committing a crime. Why? Because they did not know what they were doing... Yeah, sure! It all started with the first drink before the crime, and there is no doubt they knew what they were doing then...

I staid in for Vappu. I guess there's no way to enjoy it unless you get drunk!

I wish you all a sunny spring!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Finnish Language and its Verbs

I find the verbs of the Finnish language quite easy compared to other languages, especially to romance languages (Spanish, French and especially Romanian). The pattern is so regular in Finnish that one can automate their conjugation. Of course, there are exceptions, which must be treated separately, but all in all, they are a piece of cake compared to other languages (exclude English ;-)

So I searched the internet, I studied all the groups, exceptions and more... and after a few weeks of work I have created an automated Finnish verb conjugator. But I did not stop here... as similar tools were available on the internet (see Conjugation is not a big deal compared to the reverse engineering of the conjugation process.

I remember, when I was at the beginnings with my Finnish studies, I had big troubles looking up a verb in the dictionary, guess why? Because the dictionary has only the basic forms (very seldom some conjugated forms which are used as adjectives and so on). So I extended the functionality of my conjugator with the reverse recognition of the Finnish verb forms.

You are welcome to try it out. Go to this page:
and start firing!

and remember to post your critics, if any.

Have a nice weekend!